Once your paying account is created (even before your discount profile is approved), you can start paying for your light rail rides with the app.
Validating at the Stop
When close to a light rail stop, tap Start on the Directions screen (or on New Ride in My Rides) and select the Light rail ride option.
The app will identify your stop and will shoe you a list of lines that stop there. Select your line, adjust the number of passengers, and tap Start Ride to get your ride ticket (QR code). Please note: If your line is longer than 15 KMs, you'll need to select your destination stop, so the app can calculate the ride fare.
Important: At underground ight rail stops you will need to scan your QR code (or codes, if there are multiple passengers) at the platforms' entrance gate.
Every valid ride is accessible from several places in the app, so you can present a entrance ticket for inspection:
- On the Directions screen, under My Rides
- In My Rides on the side menu
Tap Active light rail ride to get the screen with your entrance ticket (QR code) to show the inspector, whenever needed.