Once your paying account is created (even before your discount profile is approved), you can start paying for your train rides with the app.
Please note you will need to create 2 separate tickets to pay for your ride: an entrance ticket at your entry station and an exit ticket at your destination station.
Validating at the Entrance Station
- Tap Pay on the Directions screen (or on New Ride in My Rides) and select the train ride option. Note that this is possible only when you're close to a train station.
- Once the app recognizes your station, tap Start Ride to get your entrance ticket (QR code). This will start the charge for this ride, so that in the end you'll get your final fare.
- Scan the code at the platforms' entrance gates.
- Now you can check the train schedules for this station, or simply close the app until it's time to get off the train.
Validating at the Exit Station
- Once you arrive at your destination station, tap Active Train ride on the Directions screen.
- This screen will either allow you create an exit code or show your ticket for inspection.
- Tap Create exit ticket to see the ride details and estimated fare, and to confirm you got off the train at the station.
- Tap Create exit ticket to get your exit code. Note that this is a different ticket than the one you got at the entrance station.
- Scan the code at the exit gate.
Every valid ride is accessible from several places in the app, so you can present a QR code for inspection:
- On the Directions screen, under My Rides
- In My Rides on the side menu
Tap Active Train Ride to get the screen which allows you to view tickets for inspection. Tapping this option will show you your entrance ticket (the QR code you got to enter the platform). Show this to the inspector whenever needed.