Ambassadors now can have the option to add service alerts to the app via the Editor.
These service alerts are then displayed in the app to inform users about any irregularities in normal service. If you are a current Ambassador and would like more information on adding service alerts in your city, please speak with your region’s Moovit Team member.
In the Editor menu, click on Service Alerts:
Select "Community Service Alerts"
Click "Add" to add a new Service Alert or click "Edit" to modify an existing one:
From this page, you can create, edit, or delete existing alerts.
Creating or editing an alert:
- Alert type: Choose the type of alert that will be displayed in the app (No service, modified service, service with delays, information ...)
- Start: Start date of the alert (when the change will actually take place)
- End: Alert end date, after this time it will no longer appear in the app
Please note, the time is according to your local time - Display: How many days prior to display the alert in the app before the alert is active
- Type: On what level the alert is relevant
- City alert: when the alert is valid for the whole city, without connecting to specific agencies and/or line.
- Agency alert: when the alert is valid for an agency in general, without specifying which lines.
- Line alert: when the alert is valid for a specific line(s).
- Project: Choose the project for which the alert is relevant
- Agency: Choose the agency for which the alert is relevant.
- Lines: Choose the lines that will be affected by the alert.
- Title: Alert Title
- Message: Alert text. You can insert images by dragging & dropping them into this field or by copying & pasting. We recommend resizing the image so that the alert is not larger than the text field.
If you’re not sure what type of alert to use...
- No service: for when the line is not running
- Reduced service: for when the line is running on a reduced schedule
- Significant delays: if there are significant delays on the line
- Detour: if the line is taking a different route than normal
- Additional service: if the line has additional operating times
- Modified service: if the line has been modified
- Other: if none of the other options are relevant for the alert
- Stop moved: if a stop on a specific line has been moved
- Good service: to announce when a line is operating as usual