As an Ambassador, you are a leader in your community - a leader in data management and communication. The Users and Projects pages allow you to easily connect with others in your region as well as quickly see which projects have been recently edited and if they require moderation. You can find these pages in your user drop-down menu.
How to use the Users page
To see recently logged in users or users who recently made edits: click on the name of the column to order by date.
To see pending messages simply click on the chat bubble at the head of the far right column. The users with “red dots” signify a pending message and will jump to the top. Simply click on the red dot to open the message.
Additionally, you can order by any column heading by clicking on that heading.
How to use the Projects page
Similar to the Users page, you can order by recently active projects by clicking on “Last update”. You can also order by project Name, City, number of Users, Stops, Lines or Trips by clicking on the corresponding column heading.
To see pending changes, click on the Lock button, and projects will be ordered by pending changes with longest waiting time starting with red (4 days +), yellow (2-4 days), then green (less than 2 days).