New Moovit user? Select your preferred modes of transportation for a more personalized experience. These Smart Journey planning filters take into account how you like to ride and suggest routes tailored to you.
Do you prefer taking the bus or are you a scooter person? Let us know by selecting your preferred and less preferred means of transportation (bus, train, underground, shared bikes, shared scooter, taxi, etc.) during your commutes, and Moovit will customise your route accordingly.
In some cases, if there are no better routes to suggest, Moovit may suggest modes of transportation less preferred by you, in order to make sure you get to your destination.
The Smart Trips option is part of the onboarding process for new Moovit users to ensure they have personalized route suggestions from the first time they plan a trip. However, existing users can change their preferred means of transport via the “Filter” control in the Suggested Routes screen, or through the “More” menu → Settings → Journey Planner Settings